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We also have

Exclusive Gods from this region

Monotheists fusion:

Found here but universal served in one piece like Temaki sushi a flexible name for what takes endless forms a glorified seaweed mat —assembly is left up to each person and their particular tastes— pile on your favorite fillings and roll it up a bouquet of supremacy with your hands roll roles of equal validity.

A selection of aged Gods: Pre-Islamic Arabian deities

Hubal, Al Lat, Al Uza, Manat. Ancient stone exported from the Levant originally Eastern Mediterranean Hubal was the first idol brought to Mecca by the leader of the Khuza'a tribe Hubal is red agate statue with a broken arm repaired with gold.Mineral gemstones taste exquisite with luxurious gold. Successive crystalized layers have different intensities of saltiness. Gold tastes like nothing not even metallic- for anything to have any taste some of it must dissolve in saliva. Gold does not dissolve. They replaced their god's arm with a golden one for the same reason gold is added to food.


Hubal, Al Lat, Al Uza, Manat

unlike the other forgotten gods

were too famous to vanish

names persist but not exist

not worshiped yet stay known

how famous is your god?

gods need to advertise

to immortalize

immunity against dismissal

is not included in the holy kit

hire devoted salesman

elevate a name

like Coca-cola or Kardashian

In old Mecca, ancient stone

idols with foreign faces

prayers seep though cracked

hands, they orbit around

a borrowed god

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